Snorkeling in a Fish Sanctuary

Snorkeling in a Fish Sanctuary

Another fun activity to do under water is snorkeling and the best place is at Fish Sanctuary. It was I think in Nalusuan fish sanctuary that I tried snorkeling and I think snorkeling comes for a fee of 100 per person.

Fishes of all shapes, sizes and colors are found in the area. And you'll be amazed with the variety of marine life that you'll see. But always bare in mind that these fishes are for your eyes only, no fishing is allowed in the area. And caution for strong current must not be neglected for your safety.

The only way to get there is riding a motorized boat (pump-boat) that is negotiable from 5000 to 2500 depending on your negotiation skills. And most pump-boats don't have free use for snorkeling gears so its better to bring your own if you have one.

This also serve as a reminder to avoid polluting our seas for us to experience the beauty under the sea. So get those fins ready and start bubbling your way to meet our very own tropical fishes.

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3 Responses
  1. juliet Says:

    When we had our island hopping we just passed by Nalusuan and our swimming in a nearby area.

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  2. fetus Says:

    i haven't been to nalusuan! i wish i could go there. is it really a good place to snorkel?

  3. yenyen Says:

    juliet: thanks! Ok, i'll try... :D

    Fetus: yup, but it's recommended for those who are good in swimming because the current can take you far from your boat and its hard swimming against the tide. And if your comfortable with the waters and diving deep, you really can see big fishes, the last time I saw was a school of angel fish, and their big.