SkimChix | Island life at SKIMCHIX.COM
It’s been a long time since I’ve written in
these pages, a lot of places has already been visited and explored, and
wonderful memories created and none was shared. Let me continue to share my
island experience in my new site, that’s: SKIMCHIX.COM
Same content, which includes, but not
limited to: new places explored, revisited memory lane, new experiences and so
much more… So go ahead, click on my new site and let’s share experiences.
My 4D Experience at Crown Regency
On my 27th Birthday, Angel and I have decided to spend it at one of Cebu’s highest tower right now, Crown Regency. We’ve been there for a number of times already but this time, we want to try their day tripper promo that entitles the bearer for a free pool assess, eat all you can buffet at the Restaurant, one ride to either of the ride and a 4D experience in their theater.
We went there at almost 10 o’clock in the morning but we had a hard time figuring out what elevator to take to go to the 36th floor, since it’s where we are going to pay for the promo. The security guards do not know their own protocol or don’t have any idea about the promo at all. So we have to transfer from one building to another just to ask on where we really are going. Was so pissed off, it seems because we don’t look like foreigners we were treated that way? I hope not!
We paid for the day tripper trip and was given the ticket that has our meal stubs, ticket for the ride and the theater and access to the pool area, though we don’t have the key to activate the elevator just in case we want to go to the lower floors where the pool was located. Fortunately, one of the hotel crew was with us in the elevator so we reached the level where the pool was located. They do have a nice view of the city from the pool side, but unfortunately it was under renovation, we were not advised nor were we offered to use the indoor pool that is functional. Hmpft! Another bad experience in this trip.
I have to brush it aside in order not to spoil my day. So we decided to have lunch while waiting for the rides to open at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. The food was mediocre, not bad but not excellent either, there’s nothing special to the dishes served. So we just feasted our eyes on the sight of the city surrounding the tower and rested for a while before we explore the rides.
We decided to try the 4D Theater first. This one, I have to say was the excellent part of the trip. It was my first time to experience the 4D and I have to say, it got me screaming during the part that rats came out on the screen with synchronize air blown below your legs giving you a feeling that real rats are really in the area or snakes hissing and spitting there venom with water coming from the front part of your seat. I was scared! Though the movie was short but I love it!
So off we go to the rides. I’ve tried the edge coaster and the skywalk, but I find the edge coaster scarier so we chose to have it instead of the skywalk (the wall climb and the zipline at this time were not yet ready). So we chose to experience the edge coaster again, this time, we planned to have the edge coaster individually so that we get to have lots of pictures in the ride and instead of buying the ones taken by their crew.

Ice cream anyone?
In the mood for a sweet treat? How about some tasty ice cream from Gelatissimo? Hmmmmmmm am I making you salivate? I am a self-confessed ice cream addict, doesn't really matter what brand or how much it cost, as long as its ice cream, I'll always consider it a treat. One of the best ice cream experience I've had was with Gelatissimo.
I love how they allow you to taste the different flavors. Whew! Saves me bucks from buying flavors that I'm not inclined to eating. The staff are friendly, they are patient with my every demand for free taste.
The price maybe quiet expensive, that's Php 90 for 1 scoop of ice cream. But I suggest if there are more than 2 of you to go for 2 scoops of different flavor and just share it, because its more cheaper than buying individual scoops of ice cream. You get to taste different flavors for a discounted price.
So what are you waiting for? Don't deprive your cravings and savor the ice cream even in this rainy weather.
At CDO before we left for Cebu (Day 3-4)
Instead of heading for white water rafting in CDO, we decided to postpone it for this trip. We were exhausted and we've spent too much in Camiguin.
We headed to a college friend's house to spend the night before we return to Cebu. The only place that we could explore was the SM Mall near their village and the village itself.
The village is located in the uptown area and most of the places has just been built. The city itself is downtown which is too far so we just have to check on the homes built the its architecture and designs that we plan to copy on our future home.
This blog is also give my appreciation to one of my close friends in college, for a very warm accommodation. To Maui, Lloyd and her cute baby girl, thank you so much.

The Virgin Mary of Simala
The Virgin Mary of Simala has been known to almost everyone how sacred and miraculous it is. A lot of people would flock there on the weekends to offer their prayers and petitions. I was not exempted from this. Before I took the board exams, I made sure that I'll find time, even if I was busy reviewing, to visit Simala. Together with my friends from college, we visited the Virgin Mary to ask her help and guidance as we take the board exam.
Our prayers were granted and we got to visit the place again to give thanks. But that has been 4 years ago. And that was the last time I've visited Simala. Then just recently, I wanted to visit Mama Mary of Simala. One weekend, we went there by riding a bus and a tricycle.
It was nice to be back here. The place was improved, it got bigger and airy. And the place was orderly, peaceful and you can really feel that you are at peace with yourself.
Getting here has been very accessible. Van for hires, bus, motorcycle and tricycles are available for your convenience and parking lot for private vehicle are also there. After the trip you can drop by beaches and resorts before going back to the city.

Cavite - Tagaytay Side Trip
When I scheduled my training in Manila, I made sure that the tickets I bought will be a day earlier and a day late than the scheduled training. That way, I have more time to adjust and have time to wander around Manila, before and after the official business.
When I arrived, I was not directly taken to my home for the next five days but rather, I was first housed in Cavite, their second home, where the family I’m staying go to during weekends. It’s located in one of the prestigious communities in Cavite and the place is cool, contrary to the weather in Manila.
In the afternoon I was toured in Tagaytay. Though that was not my first time in Tagaytay but it was my first time to zipline and horseback ride in Tagaytay.
Most of the time, it was only sightseeing and picture taking.

I like horseback riding, such a liberating feel when you get to ride and direct the horse all by yourself, and do I need to say more about how much I love speed! Woohoooo! ( waving my cowboy hat)
After our little adventure at Tagaytay park, we dined at Gerry’s grill.
It was supposed to be somewhere else new, but the mall where we were planning to eat was full packed. No parking space was available. But nevertheless, the food at Gerry’s grill was delicious and we have the evening view of the taal lake and the towns surrounding it.
Special thanks to Uncle Donald, Tita Fe, Uncle Marlon, Tita Evelyn, Uncle Ronald, Ate margie, the kids, the rest of the crew for a very fun day at Tagaytay.

Happy Birthday to My Angel!
Twenty Nine years ago, a person who was destined to meet me after twenty one years after he was born. The person who would later become a very good friend, a mentor and a confidant. He have seen my ups and my downs, he knows my weaknesses and my strength and best of all he accepted me for who I am.

He is my pillar when I feel weak. And he taught me to be strong. He supported me in my dreams and he is there to catch me if I fail. He is my family when I am lonely and sick. He made me feel how it is to love and be loved back. He is my strength. He is my angel sent from above.

The life I've spent with him was never a bed of roses. But none of it I've regret because it made me become a better person and help me appreciate life as it is.
Thank you so much for everything that you've done for me Angel. I look forward to spending the rest of my life with you. 'Till our hairs are white and our teeth are lost. Love you so much Angel, and may you enjoy your birthday!

Love you Raymond Lazaro, till death do us part!

(bleeeeeehhhh you have no choice! bwahahahaa)